Selfish vs. Enlightened Self-Interest: Which One Are You?

By Kumari

There is an emerging concept among spiritual thought leaders of “divine or enlightened self-interest” as the cornerstone of the evolving new consciousness. It is a great term to describe what I have been feeling for some time. Yet it is not new. Twenty five years ago, my first spiritual teacher was often given the suggestion (criticism actually) that the thousands of seekers gathering to sit for hours learning meditation should be mobilized for more service projects. As a recovering “save the world” legal aid attorney, this seemed a compelling argument to me.

While the guru had already established service projects, she always responded the same: “Do your own inner work; that is the highest service.” She continued that it is relatively easy to focus on what everyone else needs. Yet it takes the greatest courage to “Know the Self.” Go within. “It takes a true warrior to do battle with the ego, and become Enlightened. Then, your very essence will uplift all humanity.”

Many spiritual people believe self-interest is what gets in the way of enlightenment.

We should, they posit, instead, live a life of selfless service and have no desires. But this principle is often misunderstood, which can lead to a constant state of depletion and a feeling that what you are doing, or even who you are, is “never enough.” Who is that actually serving? It reminds me of a famous D.C. homeless activist I really admired; until one day he became so depressed he committed suicide. That woke me up. I had a naïve notion that if you were helping so many people you would naturally feel quite fulfilled. So I started to pay more attention to where the “giving” was coming from, and found that many “do-gooders” (myself included) were doing service from a place of ego: anger, judgment, righteousness, or guilt, and even self-loathing.

Enlightened self-interest is about becoming present and aware of what really energizes, motivates, and inspires you.

Following your divine self-interest therefore aligns you with who you really are—a multidimensional spiritual being having a human experience. When you come into the present moment with your enlightened self-interest, you are in the flow. It propels you forward in such a way that allows you to contribute your piece of the puzzle in this divine play of consciousness.

I found another spiritual teacher whose AIDS service work was in the early years when there was so much fear and judgment attached that families were ousting their loved ones leaving them to die homeless, leading to terrifying deaths. I was drawn to her teaching and AIDS hospice to figure out how to serve in such horrible conditions without burning out. She taught us to meditate deeply: “You must learn to drink before you can pour.” When your own cup is full, you then are truly are able to offer your authentic contribution to the world, which in turn inevitably leads to true fulfillment for you, and true service for those you touch.

Yet even with such amazing teachers and spiritual masters, I still am finding that this concept of “enlightened self-interest” is truly what I and many of the teachers need desperately to emulate now, as I feel certain that until enough of us can truly get the connection between nurturing self as the pivotal foundation for the higher states of consciousness. It is no longer about more practices, more mantras, more chanting. We must find the love within us and say YES to fully receiving it. It is so easy to become pulled in a million directions, getting distracted with the needs and “shoulds” of others. If you were to fully come into the present and ask yourself what is it that you truly want to do that will inspire and uplift you, what would you do differently? How would you nurture and tend to yourself and your soul?

What a different world it would be if we all could make sure that our deepest desires for true connection, loving conversation, quiet reflection, and playful abandon, were no longer considered selfish.

If total exhaustion and depletion were no longer worn as a badge of the righteous, but was seen as the misguided reality that it is. If we could recognize that this type of self-sacrifice, of risking our health and happiness to please others was really not a gift to anyone.

The reason this is often so hard is that you truly have to go deeper into your self-loving. So many of us have old patterns or behaviors we are not proud of, and our guilt and shame makes it difficult to let go and forgive ourselves. Yet self-love is not a one-time deal; like many of the most important and elusive goals, it is attained through consistent choices and daily applications. Sometimes to even get to a place of release or forgiveness, we first have to fan the flames of love within, so we can first feel safer to do the deeper work of forgiveness.

Simple Self-Love Practice:

“The Heart is the hub of all sacred spaces. Go there and roam.”—Bhagavan Nityananda, Indian avatar

Breathe deeply in and out of your heart space until you feel centered in your heart chakra or feeling center. Imagine a small flame on the altar of this sacred space of the heart. This flame represents the Creator’s spark within you, the divine aspect of light and love from which you are created.

Gently breathe into this flame with love and feel it expanding, as if you are tending a new fire. If you have trouble feeling love for yourself, think of someone or something that is easier for you to love: a puppy, a child, a sunrise. Hold that thought until you actually feel the sensation of love. [TIP: While the object of love you are choosing is outside of you, the love that you actually feel is always YOURS.]

You may notice a warmth spreading throughout your body, or another lovely sensation as you fill up on the vibration of love within you. Breathe this love out into your energy field or aura, the space all around you until you feel encased in a bubble of loving energy.

Then ask yourself this question: “If I am truly loving to myself today, I will __________________.”

I challenge you to include yourself—mind, body, and spirit—in this path of divine self-interest this year. You may be amazed at how much you are actually “giving.” How would your life shift if you truly knew that only when you are stable, healthy, balanced, and joyful—when the circle of your giving and receiving is in balance—then and only then are you truly serving others?

You may be surprised how simple it can be to nurture yourself first, with the deepening understanding that everything will flow from that kindness, that fullness.

Kumari is an internationally acclaimed intuitive coach, master healer, best-selling author, spiritual evolutionary, and animal mystic. Her deepest joy is empowering others to unwrap their innate intuitive, manifesting, and healing gifts. Kumari hosted “Co-Creation Activations” radio show on World Puja Network and the Internet TV program “How to Heal Anything Live.” She is coauthor of the bestselling book Empowering Transformations for Women and just released her new eBook Animal Communication Magic & Miracles: 13 Keys to Deepen Your Bond with Your Pets, Improve Health & Change Behavior Immediately. Kumari is a catalyst for spiritual evolution. Through energy alchemy and unveiling the human/animal spiritual interconnectedness, she has helped thousands around the globe experience bliss, our true divinity and Oneness. For more information visit

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